Of the First Hierarch, Metropolitan Vitaly
Recognizing the depth of the sinful fall of certain members of the Council of Bishops of our Church, with their intense, but not yet fully expressed desire to unite with the Moscow Patriarchate, I, acknowledging my full responsibility before God, the Russian Orthodox people, and my own conscience, consider it my archpastoral duty to proclaim that the Council of Bishops, which will open on October 23, 2001, can only be called an assembly of irresponsible individuals.
Doubtless this Council intends to discuss questions relating to possible unification with the false-church of the Moscow Patriarchate. A few days ago I received the "Fraternal Epistle" of Patriarch Alexius which, to my deep sorrow, elicited a joyful reaction from many clergy of our Church. They even sent an elated appeal to the Council, asking it to respond favorably to the Patriarch's letter. Their appeal was signed by more than eighteen clergymen of our Church. And how many more of them are there that are still afraid to reveal themselves? Seeing no other way out of the present situation and not wishing to bear responsibility for the final ruin of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, which has been entrusted to my care, I declare:
I consider myself the lawful successor of all the previous metropolitans of our holy Church Abroad: the first, Metropolitan Anthony; then Metropolitan Anastasius; and finally, Metropolitan Philaret. I am the fourth Metropolitan of our Russian Church Abroad and until now, with God's help, I have continued to guide this holy vessel on a straight course through the menacing waves of the sea of life, avoiding reefs and shoals, and the mighty whirlpools which threaten to drag ships into the abyss. Unfortunately, the fateful moment came when I understood and assessed the lamentable fact that between me and other hierarchs of our Synod oneness of mind and soul no longer exist. I told them this at the last meeting of the Synod. Soon after the beginning of the first session, I left the conclave disheartened when I fully realized my isolation from the other hierarchs. On the basis of this and this alone I consented to retire and and agreed to be considered the Metropolitan in retirement of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. In this Church I was born, baptized, and will die when the time comes.
Furthermore, I wish to proclaim for all the world to know that, as First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, I fully denounce and condemn any rapprochment whatsoever or future union with the false-church of the Moscow Patriarchate.
I also wish to declare that I remove my signature from the following documents which I signed:
1.) My signature on the appeal to Patriarch Paul of Serbia
2.) My signature endorsing the creation of a committee for establishing relations with the Moscow Patriarchate.
On the basis of the above, I summon all Orthodox archpastors, pastors, monastics, and faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad to close ranks in a single host to combat all the sinful acts of both the present Council and the Moscow Patriarchate.
I call down God's blessings on all Orthodox Russian people in the homelend and abroad who strive to follow in the path, firstly, of the holy Patriarch Tichon and, secondly, of my predecessors Metropolitan Anthony, Anastasius, and Philaret, who now enjoy a blessed repose.
Metropolitan Vitaly
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
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